Aegean Associates, Inc. was founded in 1990 and is a custom software provider with a broad base of successful projects that are deployed internationally. Solutions include factory automation, instrumentation, and data collection and gathering for embedded hardware and software systems. Aegean Associates can be reached by sending e-mail to or by calling (302)322-1337.
The Innovative PocketgramTM

Pocketgrams are custom, information-rich applications created expressly to be shared. Pocketgrams run on all makes and models of the PalmOS and are created to meet your specific communications and business requirements. They can be beamed at events, shared among your staff/ partners, e-mailed, and downloaded from your web site as interactive brochureware, pocket flyers and information-rich calling cards. For more information, visit or send e-mail to
Featuring OnTap® Technology
Aegean's OnTap® Technology for the Palm OS was introduced in 1996 and in 1998, OnTap was awarded "Can't Live Without Application for Resellers" at PC Expo by Computer Reseller News. OnTap employs a platform independent, client/server architecture, making it a powerful embedded component and publishing tool from any desktop, mini, or mainframe computer. OnTap runs on all versions of the Palm OS including the IBM(R) (NYSE:IBM) WorkPad(R) PC Companion, Franklin Covey Company (NYSE: FC), and Symbol Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:SBL) SPT1500 handhelds.
OnTap is available for licensing. A demo version is available from the OnTap Technology web site. For more information, visit or send e-mail to